Pretty Indonesian Nude to Help Friend

 Clara Adelin Supit

A student of a private university in Bogor, Clara Adelin Supit aka Devi (23) photographed naked to help his friend.

Bogor Police, Commissioner Irwansyah mentions, in a Clara report to the Police on Saturday, the nude photographs happen to help her best friend Misly Safarini (23), citizen Citeureup Bogor.

Based on reports from Clara, Irwansyah explain the chronology up to the photo absorbing Clara that circulating in cyberspace and friendship networks account.

Information obtained, Clara shooting naked using a mobile phone carried on dorm room in Kebon Jeruk Jakarta area.

Clara willing to be seduced by her friend in the photo because Misly. To the victim, Misly say, her former boyfriend Joshua (26), has witchcraft disease.

According Misly, Joshua could only recover if they see a pretty girl nude photos.

Because ingested persuasion, and not the heart to see friends who beg, sweet girl who is also a cheerleading captain was willing to pose naked.

After photographed nude, Clara was given some money by Misly. Clara ordered that Misly not spreading pictures of herself to others.

Found his picture spread in cyberspace, Clara also reported the incident to the Police in Bogor.

"Rapporteur felt himself to be accountable for the victim and asked his friend works, because it makes him and his family shame and humiliation," said Irwansyah.

He mentions, on the reports of the victim, Police officers have requested information Misly that recognizes these photos belong to Clara.

"From Misly recognition, the image he gave to a former boyfriend Joshua. And who spread the photos probably Joshua," said Irwansyah quoting Misly recognition.

Bogor Police, Irwansyah revealed, there is already testimony of three witnesses. Until now, officers have not yet determined the suspect.

Joshua alleged as the perpetrator of this naked picture spread of new information will be held Monday (12 / 4). Photo absorbing Clara, according Irwansyah visible, accessible on the networking site account

"Many victims nude photos. At most it is facing forward. That's Why all of a forbidden part of woman body clear to be looked," he asserted.

According Irwansyah, players spread of nudity, will be subject to article No. 11 of IT Act 2008 Article 27 paragraph 1 and 3 of a person knowingly disseminate obscene or defamatory, it will be threatened with jail 6 years or a fine of Rp 1 billion. Indonesia Today

This is the photos of Clara (with censor off course):

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