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» Indonesia is ready to face Swine Influenza Virus
Indonesia is ready to face Swine Influenza Virus
Indonesia Minister of Health, Siti Fadillah Supari said that indonesia was able to face the H1N1 Virus aka Swine Influenza (SI) aka Flu Babi (indonesian spell). She said that indonesia have a same experience when face H5N1 Virus aka Avian Influenza (AI) aka Flu Burung (indonesian spell), the AI virus is more dangerous than SI virus, if we can handle AI virus, we can handle SI virus too, she said. So indonesian doesn't need to afraid of that virus, she added. she explain that SI virus will not live on Indonesia because of Indonesia climate is not suitable for SI virus to live. I hope she was right! Indonesia Minister of Agriculture also make a move by stop the pig meat import. Depend on WHO, SI virus now on grade 5 mean that the virus can transmit from human to human via air, not only from pig to human. From Mexican, now SI virus is reach Asia. What a quick spreadable disease. Indonesia Today
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