Indonesia won ICYS 2009

"Showing Medal"

The 16th ICYS (International Conference of Young Scientists) 2009 that held on Pszczyna Poland become a place of manifestation for 12 Indonesian students. Indonesia become the first rank contestant by winning six gold medals, one silver medal, and three bronze medals, its become the most amount of medal among other contestant that followed by 18 countries. Indonesia can beat many big countries like USA, Germany or Dutch. Two of six gold medals are come from physic field by the riset presentation from Guinanda Lutfan+Jatikusumo and Idelia Chandra+Christopher Alexander Sanjaya, one from Computer Science field by Nugra Akbari and the other three come from ecology field by Vincentius Gunawan+Fernanda Novelia, Gabriella Alicia Kosasih+Teresa Maria Karina and Jessica Karli+Yosephine Livia. Below is the medals result of the top four contestant in ICYS 2009,

Indonesia: 6 gold; 1 silver; 3 bronze
Germany: 3 gold; 4 silver; 2 bronze
Dutch: 3 gold; 1 silver; 2 bronze
USA: 3 gold

Indonesian government that representing by the officer of Indonesia national education department said that the students that win the gold medals will get full scholarship from indonesian government until they finish their study at university. Next year, the 17th ICYS 2010 will be held in Bali at 9-13 April 2010. ICYS are the competition among student aged 14-18, its contest the riset presentation on physic, math, computer science, ecology, and english field. Indonesia Today

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