Beware, Gristle Kemayoran sinkhole!

Experts on climate change Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Doctoral Armi Susandi predict, in addition to the area road RE Inhale, North Jakarta, a sinkhole last Thursday, there are three other areas in the capital which is also prone to sinkhole. The third area is Kemayoran, Cengkareng, and Cempaka Putih. Of the three regions, the most dangerous is the area of Kemayoran. This prediction is presented Armi in Bandung, West Java, Monday (20 / 9).

Armi explains, areas of sinkhole-prone mentioned it because, other than directly adjacent to the coast, there were also building and building high pressure to accelerate towards the ground. By Armi, adjacent to the beach area is very risky to land deterioration due to chemical and physical processes that caused the seep water to the mainland [read: Inhale sinkhole, Infrastructure Show Bad].

Create prevent similar incidents amblesnya road at Jalan RE Inhale, Armi provide solutions to the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to start from very simple. That is, make as many holes biopori and water catchment areas.

Another solution is to create an underground fortress or planting mangroves around the coast. Or, a combination of both to resist the abrasion of sea water which will cause the ground to rot caused by physical processes and chemical processes become faster.

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