Indonesia on Rain Season Now, Flood is coming!

Precipitation in Jakarta is expected to increase from the end of this month. In fact, the Bureau of Meteorology, climatology and geophysics (BMKG) ensure that the rainfall above the normal range.

The head of the subdivision of the Early Warning BMKG Kukuh Ribudiyanto extreme weather, the threat of extreme weather events may occur due to have entered the rainy season. "The month of September to January peak of the rainy season, including Jabodabek," said Kukuh, Wednesday, 22/09/2010.

Moreover, the added Kukuh, there is the potential for hurricane Lanina. These factors create a distributed rainfall with high intensity. Therefore, people are proposed to be alert to the thunder, strong winds and heavy rain. "This can happen when entering the rainy season in early November. The chances are very high," said Kukuh again.

That a number of areas that become flooded subscription to always be alert because the rains will be further increased. 'We are still local, is uneven. But it is always shifting, so within 24 hours as well impressed, "said Kukuh.

At present, a number of areas in Jakarta began to rain heavily. Asked road users to be wary of fallen trees and standing water, the highway into the capital to make more transformed into a giant parking lot.

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