Jackie Chan in Surabaya Now

Hong Kong actor's and kung fu movie star Jackie Chan, 56, will come to Surabaya. His arrival was not to shoot a movie but in order to attend the Lunar Festival (Moon Festival) event in Pantai Kenjeran, Surabaya.

Jackie Chan will be appearing as the main guest star in an event packed joint Indonesia-China nuanced it.

"We have invited Jackie Chan to attend the Lunar Festival. His presence will certainly be more and make the event more lively, "said Hong Kong-born Indonesian musicians, James Chu, the Thursday (17 / 6) in Jakarta.

James was a member of the committee for the event which took place in Pantai Kenjeran on the night of 22 September 2010.

James, who was born in Banyuwangi, and moved to Hong Kong in 1974, adding that the presence of Jackie Chan to Indonesia it will also mark the 60th anniversary of Indonesia-China friendship. In addition, film stars, among others, through the famous action movie sequel to Drunken Master and Brawl In the Bronx it will go to foster children in Surabaya.

Regarding the Lunar Festival, James explained that the event which took place in Pantai Kenjeran whole evening will be filled with a variety of presenting songs and dances from Indonesia and China.

The event organized by the Indonesia-China Friendship Association (In You Hao Zhong Zhehui) in Surabaya, an active cultural institutions of both countries to promote friendship.

James is excellent at playing the guitar music of Hawaii, is also said to show these Kenjeran Coast, his party also will feature prominent musicians and artists Kempot Didi, who along with her ever concert in Hong Kong in October of 2009.

James said, tourist sites Kenjeran Coast Surabaya, built by businessman Soetiadji Yudho viewed as a place for the Lunar Festival event. Because, in addition to a beautiful place and the area is also a background of Madura Strait with his Suramadu Bridge.

With a choice location, it is hoped the audience will have a beautiful impression.

"The relationship the two countries have built up good must be maintained even have to be improved," he said.

Songs that will be displayed in the party's culture, among others, Ai De Fung Shien (outpouring of Love) is sung in Indonesian and vice versa Goro-goro Ne (Maluku folk song), which was translated into Mandarin by title Zhui Yes Zhui Dao Ni.

Didi Kempot will sing songs pitched campursari who became his artistic trademark.

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