Jonggol, New Indonesia Capital

Discourse Jonggol District, Bogor Regency, West Java, became the new capital of Jakarta could replace the more stronger. Early in 2011, will be infrastructure development plans in this eastern area of Bogor regency, with a Middle-Eastern Axis projects.

It is recognized, the Head of the Regional Planning Agency (Bapeda) Bogor regency, Muhammad Zairin. Zairin said the construction of East-Central Axis is one of moving the capital to prepare for the State to the District Jonggol. Thus, the public can get through Cibubur and South Sentul Jonggol direction.

He explained that the construction of East-Central Axis involving four districts starting from the proceeds, Jonggol, Cariu until Tanjungsari. Construction budget is taken from the budget of West Java.

Furthermore, he said, the development of the Middle-East axis will be stretched perokonomian in the eastern part of the Bogor Regency. Then, the tourism sector can also be fueled when the appropriate time of the planned development.

"There will be roads with a width of 30 meters. Then from Sentul to pass right through to the Jonggol proceeds toward the major tourist attractions in the Cianjur Regency Flower City, "he said, Monday, September 20, 2010.

Information obtained by the mention, until now the Bogor regency has opened the way along the 26 miles to the Middle-East axis development in the district proceeds. However, there are some land acquisition to be completed by the state forestry.

Jonggol discourse emerged as the new capital in the reign of the New Order. This discourse is alive again after a few months a number of city politicians and observers suggested moving the capital back. One of the places used as target is Jonggol.

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