Police Arrested Young Girl Seller

A pair of young pimps were arrested while selling virginity USD 5 million in a hotel room in Bandung in the early hours Friday.
The case was revealed when the two suspects to offer "goods orsinial" to members of the police. Suspect MI, 19, and Mn, 16, until the afternoon is still checked. While the three victims who sold mahligainya examined as a witness. One victim claimed the money was planned to be used in high school tuition and installed tooth stirrup.

"We caught the two suspects when the pimp transactions USD 4 million to an undercover police officer in a hotel room masher. Just a few minutes the suspect held the money direct the police to catch him, "said West Bandung Police Reskrim visible, PPA Philemon Ginting, Friday evening.

Visible to admit, the two suspects had long been a pimp and an agent of young people in Bandung. Victims of young women who are still sold at Rp 5 million, while that was not a virgin USD 2 million, he said.

Visible to mention, the disclosure of these cases originated from the report if the two suspects IM and Mn often sell virginity teenage high school kids in the city of Bandung. Armed with that information, directly visible decrease team for posing as a buyer against a suspect. After disepakti price, suspect transactions took place at the Jalan Oto Iskandar Dinata, early Friday morning.

Members agreed to direct tadio undercover price then handed the money in front of a young man who becomes a victim. When money is held suspect, laiun members in the hotel directly conduct ambushes. "Already, the suspect was later arrested, and secured the third victim," he said.

According to the Visible Reskrim, one of the victims, when examined by the suspect admitted virginity appreciated USD 5 million. The money was planned to be used to pay school tuition and install the stirrup teeth.

The aftermath of this incident, two suspects terancan criminal penalties for violating Article 2 of Republic Act No.21 of 2007 on crimes against trafficking in persons. "The threat of punishment 15 years imprisonment." Philemon said.

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