Keris of Majapahit Period Exhibition Today

Collector keris incorporated into Society Observer Tosan Aji, Thursday (7 / 10), showing off its collection of tens dagger in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Keris which exhibited partially derived from Majapahit era. The Keris is the result of work that included early in the land of Java because it was made around the 11th century AD.

In this event also showcased at the 8th century dagger, the Keris with prestige hurap Mojopahit heritage. Although already seen eroded, it still looks nice dagger as well as arsenic or keris poison. Sultan Hamengkubuwono 7's Keris that relics to gold-plated which also exhibited.

This exhibition aims to introduce course dagger to the community especially those who like to collect the historical objects. In addition, of course, for the community also mengapreasi artwork ancestor of tosan aji or dagger.

Keris is one of Indonesia's indigenous cultural heritage have been recognized Unesco. Keris is the work of the nation who have preserved their existence because of high artistic and aesthetic value. Indonesia Today

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