Parliament Ratified Timur Pradopo Today: fastest promotions and without a proven background? Yudhoyono Nepotism

House of Representatives will formally accept the Commissioner General Timur Pradopo as a candidate for police chief in a plenary session today, Tuesday, October 19, 2010. House Speaker confirm the attitude of the House Marzuki Alie receive Timur Pradopo will be ratified at a plenary session.

"So, tomorrow at the plenary (to be determined)," said House Speaker Marzuki Alie, Monday, October 18 yesterday.

Agenda setting Timur Pradopo is set out in the consultation meeting the House leadership and parliamentary faction leaders was held on Monday afternoon. This meeting is necessary because there is no plenary meeting of Consultative Body decided to discuss the establishment of the House of Timur Pradopo attitude.

In a feasibility test conducted last Thursday, nine factions in the House approved Timur Pradopo as a President candidate for the Police Chief selection. Only two fractions gave an additional note to Timur, that will replace Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri. Indonesia Today

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