Jakarta -Female remains institute in the flushed light Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, on weekday morning, was homeless. Conclusion patch the drive of his death was cod to illness.
“Expected deaths cod to illness and old,” said Kanit Reskrim Polsektro Gambier Kompol Taufik told AFP on weekday (21 / 3). When found, he additional Taufik, officers institute no signs of shout on the woman’s body.
“There is no sign of shout on the victim’s body,” said Taufik.
Currently, the remains was condemned to the edifice Cipto Mangunkusumo to move for his family.
Until today personnel hit not institute the woman’s identity. The woman was institute lying near Jalan Kebon Sirih flushed light around 05.00 pm last.
(Ahy / vit)
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