By martyr Wong 03/22/2011, 11:36 am PT
HTC has meet declared a newborn (well â€" updated) Windows Phone 7 figure that will be arriving on AT&T’s network. The HTC HD7S is an updated edition of the HD7 that was previously free on T-Mobile, eliminate that it features an reinforced Super LCD pass and an updated edition of WP7 (with double & paste) out of the box. Everything added remains the same: 1GHz processors, 4.3″ WVGA display, 5 megapixel camera, 16GB of interior storage, Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS. It also comes with AT&T’s U-verse ambulatory app that allows U-verse customers to manage their DVR recordings, browse TV listings and download and watch TV shows on the phone’s extra super display. No prices have been announced, but it should be acquirable “in the coming weeksâ€. Be trusty to read our HTC HD7 analyse in the meantime.
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