Susno to face another police questioning today

Former National Police chief detective Comr. Gen. Susno Duadji will face another police questioning Wednesday as a witness in the alleged graft case involving tax official Gayus Tambunan, which Susno had publicly revealed.

A National Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Zainuri Lubis said that Susno was scheduled for a questioning at 10 a.m. at the insitution's headquarters in South Jakarta.

Police grilled Susno with 40 questions on Tuesday, with two of them remained unanswered.

Zainuri refused to comment further whether Susno would be named a suspect.

“There are always the possibilities,” he said

Susno has come under the spotlight since revealing the Gayus case. Gayus, a low-ranking tax official  was previously acquitted by Tangerang District Court on money laundering and corruption charges, despite the fact that he had amassed Rp 28 billion (US$3.1 million) in his personal bank account.


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