Ahmad Tohari Sex Affairs mortify Democrats Party and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Affairs Between Democrat Party Members Ahmad Tohari (44) and Nita Savitri (28), a former housekeeper, keep scrolling.

Apparently, not only hot photos found Nita Ekowati Endang (43), Ahmad Tohari legal wife. Endang the day-to-day work as a civil servant Pemkab Jombang also find and save hundreds of short messaging services (short message service / SMS) bawdy tone, which was previously stored in the phone Tohari.

Tohari cheating scandal uncovered after Endang found 11 photos on mobile phones hot Nita Tohari. Endang was sued for divorce to the Islamic Court Jombang. The first session was held last August 18.

Hundreds of SMS was supposed to be communication between Nita and Tohari. Information was submitted by the Chairman of the Democratic Party PAC Ngusikan, Ahmad Baidowi.

"SMS is still stored Pak Tohari wife, and will eventually be used as evidence during the hearing amplifier divorce litigation," he said.

Baidowi claimed to have read hundreds of SMS two people more in love with it and almost entirely pitched bawdy, even leading to sloppy.

Endang, according Baidowi, believes that SMS is a communication between Nita and Tohari although the mobile phonebook Tohari visible opponent had written nasty SMS named Mar'atul Jamil.

Similar thrown PD Peterongan PAC Chairman, Ali Mustofa. According to figures that Jombang football, Tohari not only save the nude photos of the maids, but also expressed through the hundreds of obscene SMS. Tohari wife, Endang Ekowati, SMS related confirmed bawdy Tohari found in mobile phones, confirmed the findings.

"Yes it about the Make Love and stuff like that," Endang said when contacted Surya.

According to him, once he's actually not only found hundreds of SMS's, but already two times. First, before she found pictures Nita. "But I could not save it because the phone was slammed Tohari trigger. Though, number around 200 SMS, "said Endang.

Then, the second was found along with photos of Nita encountered in Tohari phone.

Only, Endang confessed to finding this second in number only 124 SMS. Of the 124 SMS's, added Endang, about 100 SMS tone nasty. "Yes, 100 SMS little less," added the mother of two children.

He also believes that SMS is a communication with Nita, despite the name in the phone Tohari under another name. The reason, in sentences that SMS also appears the word "Nita".

Endang claimed hundreds of SMS is still kept as a precaution. "Who knows if it is necessary to prove in court later divorce," said Endang.

Meanwhile, DPP Democratic Party (PD) has been lowered to the investigation team to trace cases of infidelity Jombang Tohari. Information was submitted by the Secretary DPC PD Educate Lokma Mahiyudin Jombang. "I had contact with Mas Anas (DPP chairman Anas Urbaningrum PD, ed), DPP investigation team today took to the Jombang," said Lokma.

"If the case proved true, according to a statement Mas Anas, better Tohari was expelled from the faction," said the former activist of this HMI.

We successfully contacted reporters his cell phone number, Tohari confessed that she was in the region of Kediri. "Sorry I was in Kediri. Insha Allah, on Thursday (26/08/2010) I will be a press conference. That way everything will be clear, "said Tohari. "Once again I will not comment. I just surrender to God, "concluded Tohari, closed his cell phone.

All photos without clothing Nita aka naked. Nita looks beautiful. Safitri also make nude pose when in the bathroom. Woww ..! There was also Safitri nude and a pose when she releasing her panties.

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