Four ex-boyfriend murdered schoolgirl

Police Kampar, Riau, arresting four murder suspects to Anisa Fitri (14). All four players turned out the former boyfriend of the victim.

"The perpetrators will be our snares with Article 340 of the Penal Code of murder with death penalty or for life," said Chief of the Kampar police AKBP Muttaqien MZ, Monday (23/08/2010).

AKBP Muttaqien explained, the suspects' initials U (18), TS (18), Ag (23), and RJ (25). They had been a fugitive for two months after the heinous actions against Anisa.

Anisa, junior second grader Kubang Kingdom Kampar, Kampar residents found at the end of June 2010. Victim found in tragic circumstances and almost unrecognizable because of all the charred bodies were burned due to the perpetrator.

"From the description of the perpetrators, they are desperate to kill Anisa because of jealousy and hurt," said Muttaqien.

According to the suspects, continued Muttaqien, they hurt because they feel flawless in victims who are often 'cheated'.

According to him, the suspects were arrested at their homes after fleeing to the outside of Riau Province. From the description of the suspect, he added, are known to the suspects had been planning such heinous acts.

One of the suspects, who had the initials U, called the victim to plan meetings. Meanwhile, three other suspects at the location where the suspect waited U will bring the victims at the border of Pekanbaru, Kampar.

U managed to bring it to the site of a beautiful teenager with a motorcycle. Once on location, direct victim beaten with wooden suspects. "After that the direct victim was tied and put to bed, his mouth gagged. Then the suspects fire," he said.

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