Indonesia Vice President: Its Time We Use Nuclear

Although Indonesia is rich with natural resources and energy, but do not miss the nuclear energy as alternative energy resources, especially for electricity. It was asserted Vice President Boediono, when answering questions of participants Force Regular Education Program (PPRA) to-xliv National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (08/19/2010).
In a debriefing of the event was attended by Vice President Boediono Minister for Political, Legal, and Security and the Governor Djoko Suyanto Lemhannas Muladi and 100 participants PPRA Lemhannas. "Do not be lulled by all the natural resources and energy available. We will make use of nuclear energy as much as possible," said Vice President Boediono.

Previously, a participant asked a follow-up construction of nuclear reactors in Indonesia. Boediono vice president, on April 12 to 13 and then, representing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attended the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, United States.

"This (nuclear) is a technology that can not be mastered. It can not. Therefore, his command not to pass up. Going forward, it (usage) is very clear," added the vice president.

According to him, in some developed countries, the resurgence of the nuclear reactor is already visible. "Risks remain. In this life, all at risk. Starting from coal and gas as well. So, the problem of nuclear reactors must be learned by actually," he continued.

Added by Vice Boediono, nuclear energy is expensive. However, funding can be cheap if the technology is mastered. About the time when a nuclear reactor for the purpose of energy supply is realized, the Vice Boediono replied, "I'll see it in line with the development of the next few years. But, in essence, we must do this by strengthening our own capabilities first."

However, the vice president acknowledged Boediono, timing could not be determined with any certainty right now. "However, we will try until some time in the place that we agree with its location, we will build nuclear reactors for electricity generation purposes. These are the ideals that we will continue," he said.

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