Indonesian representative at Miss Universe 2010 to be ashamed of the nation

YouTube video showing the preliminary round in the Miss Universe 2010 beauty pageant by Miss Indonesia, Qory Sandioriva, apparently reaped harsh criticism. Section, where Qory qualifier must answer several questions using English was not fluent enough traveled with her. In fact, some comments mention if Qory can not speak English.
The video was posted on August 15 have been seen over 23 thousand times and get hundreds of comments.

Maybe because it was too groggy or for other reasons, Qory answer the question asker with the English language that is not too good. Some of the comments stating that if Qory should use the services of translators only.

Although many are mocking Qory, even called the Miss Indonesia Foundation should be better able to prepare their candidates to compete in the arena Miss Universe, had the support of many to come.

As written by IS4n2Q, "without seeking my country, i think this is the most effort and honesty interviews than others. Thats ok Because I think this is her 1st interview in many people. If i see clearly from this video, i think her Enough fluent English, but She just too nervous. if She Can add a little vocab. be calm, i think its fine qory tried the best, i just say Goodluck FOR YOU. "

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