Malaysia Will Execute 177 Indonesian Death

The President dismissed on Monday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accurate data on the number of Indonesians facing the death penalty in Malaysia report before the provision of draft plans for legal aid to the prisoners.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the Ministry must clarify conflicting information from human rights watchdogs and other concerned groups that are "everywhere, also appeared in online media."

"The Foreign Office, which is working quickly to resolve these problems need to report the actual number of Indonesians [in Malaysia] convicted," said the Indonesian president.

"[The Ministry must], which we have taken to our brothers, to protect sentenced to Malaysia requirements, in particular, condemned to death, Steps report," the President added.

Yudhoyono said that many leaders have called on the government, lighter sentences for foreigners sentenced to death, place in Indonesia.

"For this reason, it is our duty to do the same for our own citizens. But we must respect the existing rules in their respective countries, like other countries to respect the legal system of our country," he said.

Mahfud Siddiq, chairman of House Commission I that oversees foreign affairs, she said Foreign Minister Mary Natalagewa on Tuesday deliver the request for updates on the number of detainees in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the arrests of Indonesian maritime officers.

Last week, "said Migrant Care, gives the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (cons) and it Imparsial 345 Indonesians in Malaysia arrested and sentenced to death on drug and homicide charges.

The groups for immediate government action is called.

But Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar said on Monday that the number of inmates on death row has reached 345th

He said that according to government figures, a total of 177 Indonesian citizens which the death penalty in Malaysia.

"Most of them are migrant workers. Some of them only went to Malaysia for a short visit, but then they got involved in drug cases," said Muhaimin.

"We will try hard on it. The President has instructed us to work hard. But we can not intervene in the legal process of Malaysia," added the minister.

Widyarka Ryananta, social and cultural information consultant at the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia confirmed the government match.

"Are there 177 Indonesians in Malaysia, which are the death penalty, with 142 cases related to drugs and 35 were [] involved in murder cases," said Widyarka.

The embassy official added that not a single Indonesian in Malaysia so far been carried out.

"We have never had a single Indonesian executed here," said Widyarka. "We have always set legal assistance to the best of our ability for every Indonesian citizen caught in legal cases in Malaysia."

Of the 142 people were involved in drug cases, said Muhaimin, 70 was sentenced to death and only three of them stand before the execution, while the rest of the cases can be appealed. "

The question was brought to Aceh two men who tried to death by hanging in Malaysia for drug trafficking, assistance has been condemned by the state light.

The Malaysian Supreme Court had just the actions of the Indonesians Bustaman Bukhari, 37, and am Tarmizi Yakub, 38, had rejected any claim to the left.

Both occupants, who have 15 years behind bars, also wrote to contras, to ask help with their situation.

Widyarka said there were 6845 Indonesians in the Malaysian prisons entrenched, of which the majority of crimes ranging from immigration violations were charged, murder and drug trafficking.

Widyarka said that, as of 2007, 19 Indonesians had been sentenced to death for clemency, of which 13 have been involved in drug smuggling cases, was granted.

After Monday cabinet meeting, said he could not Marty immediately provide data on the Indonesian prisoners, because he still needs to coordinate with the Ministry of Justice.

"The president has asked us to create a joint team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and other institutions, the information which we consolidate and push for the maximum effort," said Marty.

"In several cases we have successfully reduced the sentence from the death penalty a lighter sentence," he added.

Separately, House Deputy Speaker said Budi Santoso Priyo Golkar party of several ministries - including the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence - as soon as possible should be assessed to ensure that they are an appropriate assistance to the prisoners.

"The [ministry] should be judged," said Priyo. "There are 345 Indonesians sentenced to death. We must do something."

Priyo said the Indonesian government must guarantee the security of its citizens, wherever they are in the world.

"Look at the United States. They will do anything for their people," he said. "Even the highest officials to go directly and talk to the countries concerned."

Priyo said the government should respond quickly to the matter and there are "special attention", as hundreds of Indonesian lives are at stake.

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