Terrorist Attacks Bank To Fund The Operation

AK-47 armed groups steal two sacks of money USD 200 million from Bank CIMB Niaga Jalan AR Hakim Singapore, Wednesday (18 / 8). In this action a member of the Mobile Brigade was killed with three bullets lodged in his chest.
Bank robberies this time the largest in the history of crime is estimated at Medan. Section, the number of players in a single action there were an estimated 16 people. And very neat.

Their action is also considered sadistic. Because the perpetrators use AK-47 and the short barrel of the weapon, killing a member police, Emmanuel Briptu Simanjuntak and injuring two security guards, Sazli Mahdiantoro and Muhammad Fahmi.

Emmanuel who collapsed and killed by three bullets on the left chest victims who were fired from close range.

While Mahdiantoro and Muhammad Sazli who want to help Emmanuel, do not miss a target. Mahdiantoro body shot in the ribs and penetrated the right elbow. While Muhammad Fahmi Sazli (33), Tanjung Morawa citizen who is now hospitalized in Permata Bunda Hospital was shot in the back right side.

"This is unusual. They also used long-barreled guns and handguns," said North Sumatra Police chief, Inspector General of Police Oegroseno Wednesday (18 / 8). Oegroseno arrived at the scene fifteen minutes after the robbery.

Events are also classified as robbery neat and very organized. Within no more than ten minutes they have successfully mastered the bank and carried off two duffel bags suspected to contain an amount of money estimated to USD 200 million.

Eyewitnesses at the scene saw this herd of action by wearing a white shirt and black jacket and black jeans and keper. Principals also use the helmet with a face covered with a veil.

In its action this terrorist working in two teams where one group consists of eight people. One team crippling guard duty and went into the bank. Meanwhile, eight other players on guard outside to observe the situation.

After doing the action, the offender ran away with the opposite direction. One go to north, while another group ran away along Jalan AR Hakim then turned to Jalan Medan Education.

"We came out of the bank, the terrorist had threatened to blockade roads and road users with a long barrel gun pointed to other motorists. They used three long-barreled guns and gun rest gun," said Iwan (30), a garage mechanic who is only 10 meters from the scene.

Robbery at Bank CIMB Niaga Jalan Medan AR Rahman Hakim adds a long list of armed robbery involving an armed gang of Fire. Throughout 2010 there were six cases of more or less similar and the average perpetrator has not been revealed.

Regional Head of Bank Indonesia, North Sumatra and Aceh, Dr Gatot Sugiono S, urged the police thoroughly investigate the brutal robbery at Bank CIMB Niaga. Because this case may cause fear for those in banking and business world, especially in North Sumatra.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the fifth bank robbery in Sumatra. Among others, the Bank of North Sumatra, Bank BRI (two cases), and Bank Mandiri. The actors, has not been clearly revealed until now," he told reporters.

And criminal legal observers from the USU Prof. SH Runtung Sitepu, assessing police negligence.

"Coming to the great days such as Lebaran or new year should further enhance the security police. Because at the moment the crime rate also increased, especially in financial institutions has always been a target of these criminals," said Runtung.

North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General of Police Oegroseno admit it. He said, the perpetrator was highly organized and trained. "It was seen from the number of robberies and techniques they're doing," said police chief concern and has formed a special team to handle the brutal action of these robbers.

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