76 of Law in Indonesia is to American interests

Although Indonesia has 65 years of independence, but foreign parties unremitting colonize vigorous national interests. One of the modus is to intervene in making legislation.

Disclosed legislator Eva Kusuma Sundari, there are at least 76 of Act (Act) and dozens of Bill (the Bill) which accommodate foreign interests.

She receives information from the review of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), among others, suggests three strategic institutions of the United States is the World Bank (World Bank), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is behind all it.

"All three are involved as consultants, because it provides loans to governments for a number of programs in the fields of politics, economics, education, health and welfare. Hence, they could smuggle foreign interests in the preparation of laws in these areas, "he told the Rakyat Merdeka, Jakarta, yesterday.

Vice Chairman of the PDIP faction was explained, among others, the World Bank's involvement as a consultant in a number of government programs in education, health, infrastructure, natural resource management and community-based development.

According to him, the World Bank's involvement has made the government to change some laws. Among others, the National Education Law, Health Law, the Law on Electricity, and Water Resources Law.

"Consultation of the World Bank through its subsidiary namely the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and IDA (International Development Association) to infiltrate the program gave birth to Education Law School Operational Assistance (BOS). Likewise with the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM), "he explained.

According to Eva, the Water Resources Act, the infiltration of foreign interests is in the form giving permission to foreigners to be the operator or manager. He said granting the permit has been turned off automatically Regional Water Company (PDAM).

"In the field of electricity is almost the same. In the Electricity Law, the World Bank to direct management of electricity by private parties or managed their respective regions, "he said.

In addition to the World Bank, he continued, the IMF also slipped interests through several laws. For example, the Law on Enterprises and the Law on Foreign Investment. According to him, by accepting the help of the IMF, the government would automatically have to follow the provisions of the IMF. "For example, such as privatization of state enterprises, and foreign investment opportunities in a strategic effort that should be controlled by the state," he said.

Especially for the involvement of USAID, Megawati Sukarnoputri these men explains, can see them on Oil and Gas Law (No. 22 of 2001), Election Law (No. 10 of 2008), and the Banking Law are now being deliberated the government to be revised.

During the reform period, said Eva, USAID has been a consultant and assist the government in the areas of voter education, and organizing and supervising elections. In the financial sector, UNSAID also helped the business of banking restructuring, development of new macro-economic tools, and encourage community participation in determining economic policy.

"With his involvement in assisting the implementation of elections and the development of democracy, liberalism understood UNSAID has slipped in the mechanism of direct election of a democratic impressed, but was prone to money politics," said Eva.

He asserted, menyusupnya foreign interests in a number of laws have been destructive to the political, economic and socio-cultural. Although different institutions, but the terms of the proposed World Bank, IMF, and USAID are substantially similar.

"Condition, open free market, there can be no protection, local players injured, free Competitions and create a burden on farmers and the standardization of small people," he explained.

Still says Eva, most of the laws of ostensibly favorable foreign party is the result of the proposed law from the government. So he really regretted why the government is more accommodating foreign interests in preparing a variety legislation. "The government gathered the people smart. They shall in knowing what they're doing, "he said.

Even so he admits, in the end The bill also discussed with the House of Representatives, and the power to prevent foreign intervention is very small, because most members of the Board that there currently are a novice who has not been too inexperienced. "In the capacity, capability, yet balancing between the Parliament and the government," kelitnya.

Head of External Relations of the World Bank in Indonesia, Randy Salim who confirmed allegations about the interests of the institution that infiltrated in the Act and the bill, claimed not to know. "I have not had * read the data, so that I can not comment," kelitnya.

Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Abdul Hafidz Anshary say, until recently the agency had never done discussions on foreign intervention against the Law. 10 of 2008 on General Elections for the DPR, DPD, DPRD issue with the House of Representatives. "We're just executing. So the agency we will not discuss it. Ask parliament, "he said.

Head of Public Relations (PR) Executive Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas), Elan Biantoro also said similar things about the alleged inter * foreign interventions in Law no. 22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas.

Even so, according to Elan, in carrying out its duties BP Migas always tried hard to look at the performance of the investors in the field. Based on the results of that evaluation, then BP Migas will provide input to the Ministry, if the investors were extended or not feasible. Indonesia Today

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