High Credit interest, Indonesia Difficult to Compete

Micro business sector, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are still complaining about the weight of the banking business financing. Although mortgage interest rates began to fall, SMEs assessing bank interest rates are still relatively high.

With mortgage interest rates in the range of 10-15 percent, the level is still higher than in China and Thailand in the range 4-8 percent.

Still a relatively high lending rates is recognized Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), SME and Cooperatives Division, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

"Yes, one of the highest in the comparative data we have. Sad, yes," said Sandiaga in a short message in Jakarta, Monday, October 18, 2010.

Special Staff of the Ministry of Industry, Erna Zeta, also recognizes the interest rate business credit (KUR) in Indonesia is the second highest in the world after Myanmar. Higher mortgage interest rates are making small and medium industries difficulty competing with similar business from other countries.

Erna explained, the high lending rates in the country make products from China and Thailand have a higher competitiveness. "How large would profit if interest rates are still relatively high," said Erna.

However, the Corporate Secretary Bukopin, Tantri Wulandari, said the amount of loan interest rates vary for each bank.

Differences loan interest rate, according to Tanti, influenced by several factors. Among the funding structure of each bank is not the same, the banks also differ, as well as the loan portfolio is also diverse and inflation factors.

"But clearly, we remain committed to providing access and the best service for customers, especially SMEs," he said.

Bukopin is still focused on lending to the MSME sector. Loan portfolio in the sector reached 60-70 percent.

While in providing credit, including to SMEs, the bank will pay attention to the amount, duration, risk, until the project being financed.

Currently, according to him, the bank lending rates still apply for two digits. "Approximately 10-15 percent, I think no one single digits," he said.

Erna went on, the Ministry of Industry, Bank Indonesia wants to 'force' the banks to continue to lower lending rates. With lower interest rates, SMEs can absorb credit and improve competitiveness according to the ministry program priorities.

Director General of Small and Medium Industry Ministry of Commerce, Euis Saidah, said until the end of August 2010, KUR which has been channeled to MSMEs amounted to Rp24, 7 trillion. Total debtors as many as 3.1 million customers.

Of this amount, the manufacturing sector to absorb at Rp575, 6 billion. "We continue to push the distribution of KUR with SMEs to identify a feasible but not yet bankable," he said.

Vulnerable Position

According Sandiaga Uno, is still relatively high interest rates make SMEs in vulnerable positions. "Especially at this time the greater competition with the FTA (free trade agreement)," said Sandiaga, recently.

He admitted, banking financing to the sector of micro, small, and medium-heavy because of the high cost of funds. "The risks of administration is also quite large," he said.

Other complaints, Indonesian SMEs also have not felt that enough access to banking. "In fact, we think still less," he said. "So, even though interest rates lowered, too useless."

Therefore, about 80 percent of the sector of micro, small and medium businesses have a legal status. In fact, the number of SMEs which reached 51.3 million, the rate of 80 percent is quite large.
"So we are constrained to the licensing and ultimately can not enter the formal economy," he said.

To that end, hope to the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Nasution is for SMEs to access the banking sector could be improved. "We'll talk with the central bank governor how to be able to cut cycle, so that interest rates lowered and more facilitated access." Indonesia Today

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