Instant noodles, who does not hooked? The smell and taste to make a lot of people hooked. Instant noodles was first discovered 52 years ago this was indeed always a tongue to rock. But many things 'dangerous' is to be seen from this practical noodles?
Fans were surprised by the withdrawal of Indomie noodles in Taiwan and Hong Kong. One of Indonesia's largest noodle manufacturer is accused of using harmful preservatives.
Spurred by this, the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) actually reminds of instant food products is not good if consumed frequently.
"People should reduce eating instant noodles. Not because there Indomie withdrawal in Taiwan alone. But since the beginning YLKI does not recommend people to eat instant noodles," said Executive Committee YLKI, Tulus Abadi, Tuesday (12/11).
Sincerely declare there are several content-content in instant noodles is not good for the body if consumed too much. According to him, excessive consumption of instant noodles that can trigger and spur increased gastric acid aka heartburn.
"Because the content is too high salt and MSG and other content-content that is not good for the body if consumed too much," he said.
As the name implies, he added, people should not make instant noodles as a meal substitute for rice. Sincere advise people to eat only instant noodles once a week.
"its name is instant noodles, so use in positions urgent (urgent). If ordinary circumstances it is better not to eat instant. At least it is safe to eat noodles once a week," he explained.
Moreover, he added, consumption of instant noodles that too much it will benefit other countries. Because, until now the raw material of instant noodles, that wheat was imported from another country.
"Do not let us enrich other countries like Australia," he added.
Similar disclosed, the Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih. "Do not eat a lot of noodles, lots of vegetables, he said.
However, it claimed to have checked into the Central Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) related withdrawals Indomie in Taiwan. As a result, it is true Indomie use preservatives, but the levels are below the limits permitted under international agreements.
Endang explained, allow the use of international and 1,000 milligrams of benzoic methylphydroxy per pound of product, Indonesia would take a much smaller and only had 250 milligrams, the same as Singapore and Malaysia.
"So we take the limit of safe, do not worry," said Endang.
In terms of health, added Minister of Health, preservatives methyl p-hydroxybenzoate was not a problem. Because that is used is much smaller.
International standards are referred Alumentarius Menkes is the International Codex Commission (ICAC), which is a requirement of the safety and nutritional quality of processed food products. Indonesia has ratified it and make it participate in the preparation of regulatory Permenkes reference number 722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 about a limit on the use nipagin (preservatives) methylphydroxy benzoate as a food additive that functions as a preservative.
Application of the ICAC in several countries, are diverse depending on their respective policies. Examples are Canada and the U.S. that set limits 1000mg/kg for food products other than meat fish and poultry and 250mg/kg for soy sauce.
More stringent standards imposed by Brunei and Japan with 250mg/kg for all types of food products. Indonesia implement safe limits similar to those imposed by the two countries, namely 250mg/kg including instant noodle products.
Chairman of East Java Nutritionist, Andriyanto also said in an instant noodle product or products of other food products which do have levels of preservatives. "if consumed in excess and in the long term is not good for health," he said.
Health problems that arise if excessive consumption and in the long term cause disturbances in the digestive system and kidneys. This is because the kidney is a filter of harmful substances and chemicals that enter the body.
According to some studies, the weakness of the consumption of instant noodles is a high sodium content. Sodium contained in instant noodles comes from salt (NaCl), and materials developers. Material developers commonly used are sodium tripolifosfat, reaching 1% of the total weight of instant noodles per serving size. Sodium has a less beneficial effect for patients with ulcer and hypertension. For ulcer patients, high sodium content which will neutralize the stomach, so the stomach will secrete more acid to digest food. State of gastric acid may result in the erosion of the stomach wall and cause the pain. As for patients with hypertension, sodium will increase blood pressure because of an imbalance between sodium and potassium (Na and K) in the blood and tissues. Sodium carbonate can trigger blood pressure for those who consume excessive amounts.
Another drawback of instant noodles is not to be consumed by people with autism. This is because instant noodles contain gluten, a substance that should not be consumed by people with autism. According to a clinical nutritionist, Juniarta Alidjaja, people who mostly eat instant noodles without balanced fiber foods potentially experiencing health problems. This is because the noodles contain simple carbohydrates, fats and high sodium levels.
Another harmful ingredient in instant noodles contained sodium glutamate which is dominated also can cause constriction of blood vessels. The content of yellow dye (tartrazine) found in instant noodles is more harmful to health. Dyes can create disease recurrence in patients with asthma and other negative effects on health such as cancer and other gastric diseases. In addition, the instant noodles are also preservatives and MSG which can lead to cancer if consumed more than three times a day.
Often eat instant noodles is not good for health. This can cause frequent hair loss, colon cancer, kidney stones, kidney failure, and may be other diseases. Eating instant noodles because the noodles contain hazardous substances and chemicals in the marinade noodles its a pretty dangerous. Well if we often eat instant noodles such substances will accumulate in our body without a chance to be thrown away. Indonesia Today
Spurred by this, the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) actually reminds of instant food products is not good if consumed frequently.
"People should reduce eating instant noodles. Not because there Indomie withdrawal in Taiwan alone. But since the beginning YLKI does not recommend people to eat instant noodles," said Executive Committee YLKI, Tulus Abadi, Tuesday (12/11).
Sincerely declare there are several content-content in instant noodles is not good for the body if consumed too much. According to him, excessive consumption of instant noodles that can trigger and spur increased gastric acid aka heartburn.
"Because the content is too high salt and MSG and other content-content that is not good for the body if consumed too much," he said.
As the name implies, he added, people should not make instant noodles as a meal substitute for rice. Sincere advise people to eat only instant noodles once a week.
"its name is instant noodles, so use in positions urgent (urgent). If ordinary circumstances it is better not to eat instant. At least it is safe to eat noodles once a week," he explained.
Moreover, he added, consumption of instant noodles that too much it will benefit other countries. Because, until now the raw material of instant noodles, that wheat was imported from another country.
"Do not let us enrich other countries like Australia," he added.
Similar disclosed, the Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih. "Do not eat a lot of noodles, lots of vegetables, he said.
However, it claimed to have checked into the Central Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) related withdrawals Indomie in Taiwan. As a result, it is true Indomie use preservatives, but the levels are below the limits permitted under international agreements.
Endang explained, allow the use of international and 1,000 milligrams of benzoic methylphydroxy per pound of product, Indonesia would take a much smaller and only had 250 milligrams, the same as Singapore and Malaysia.
"So we take the limit of safe, do not worry," said Endang.
In terms of health, added Minister of Health, preservatives methyl p-hydroxybenzoate was not a problem. Because that is used is much smaller.
International standards are referred Alumentarius Menkes is the International Codex Commission (ICAC), which is a requirement of the safety and nutritional quality of processed food products. Indonesia has ratified it and make it participate in the preparation of regulatory Permenkes reference number 722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 about a limit on the use nipagin (preservatives) methylphydroxy benzoate as a food additive that functions as a preservative.
Application of the ICAC in several countries, are diverse depending on their respective policies. Examples are Canada and the U.S. that set limits 1000mg/kg for food products other than meat fish and poultry and 250mg/kg for soy sauce.
More stringent standards imposed by Brunei and Japan with 250mg/kg for all types of food products. Indonesia implement safe limits similar to those imposed by the two countries, namely 250mg/kg including instant noodle products.
Chairman of East Java Nutritionist, Andriyanto also said in an instant noodle product or products of other food products which do have levels of preservatives. "if consumed in excess and in the long term is not good for health," he said.
Health problems that arise if excessive consumption and in the long term cause disturbances in the digestive system and kidneys. This is because the kidney is a filter of harmful substances and chemicals that enter the body.
According to some studies, the weakness of the consumption of instant noodles is a high sodium content. Sodium contained in instant noodles comes from salt (NaCl), and materials developers. Material developers commonly used are sodium tripolifosfat, reaching 1% of the total weight of instant noodles per serving size. Sodium has a less beneficial effect for patients with ulcer and hypertension. For ulcer patients, high sodium content which will neutralize the stomach, so the stomach will secrete more acid to digest food. State of gastric acid may result in the erosion of the stomach wall and cause the pain. As for patients with hypertension, sodium will increase blood pressure because of an imbalance between sodium and potassium (Na and K) in the blood and tissues. Sodium carbonate can trigger blood pressure for those who consume excessive amounts.
Another drawback of instant noodles is not to be consumed by people with autism. This is because instant noodles contain gluten, a substance that should not be consumed by people with autism. According to a clinical nutritionist, Juniarta Alidjaja, people who mostly eat instant noodles without balanced fiber foods potentially experiencing health problems. This is because the noodles contain simple carbohydrates, fats and high sodium levels.
Another harmful ingredient in instant noodles contained sodium glutamate which is dominated also can cause constriction of blood vessels. The content of yellow dye (tartrazine) found in instant noodles is more harmful to health. Dyes can create disease recurrence in patients with asthma and other negative effects on health such as cancer and other gastric diseases. In addition, the instant noodles are also preservatives and MSG which can lead to cancer if consumed more than three times a day.
Often eat instant noodles is not good for health. This can cause frequent hair loss, colon cancer, kidney stones, kidney failure, and may be other diseases. Eating instant noodles because the noodles contain hazardous substances and chemicals in the marinade noodles its a pretty dangerous. Well if we often eat instant noodles such substances will accumulate in our body without a chance to be thrown away. Indonesia Today