Kiki Amalia will married with Markus Haris Maulana, Indonesia's National Team Goalkeeper

Kiki Amalia very grateful when he was officially proposed by Markus Haris Maulana, an Indonesian national team goalkeeper. She will be married in November.

Kiki felt Markus was the best man who would become her husband. In his eyes, bald-headed man is the right match for her.

"I felt Mark was sent from God. As long as there are people who want well-intentioned, perhaps it is the person who sent by God to us. Therefore I did not refuse because I feel maybe this is the guy," said Kiki Amalia after fitting her wedding dress at Tebet, South Jakarta.

Kiki originally crave future husband from among the employers or the artist, never thought would get him the ball player.

"I feel that God gives what I need, not what I want. That I rasain really. Not sure if I'm married to the businessman or artist I can be happy," said Hengky Kurniawan former lover.

The figure of Markus in the eyes of Kiki, is the man who can lead and bring a positive influence. Kiki like Markus a lot of him to worship.

"Although he converts. He does not cease to invite me worship. Lent-fasting traditions that I run that many invited from him. From the beginning I was dreaming to have a husband who can lead in terms of religion, because it is the key to happiness in our lives," said Kiki who did not think her boyfriend will be proposed for soon. Indonesia Today

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