Location Sari Club Bombing Will Be Peace Park

On October 12, 2002 evening, two bombs exploded almost simultaneously at Paddy's Cafe and Sari Club. Two buildings were destroyed, 202 people were killed.

Eight years have passed, the scene was set near Ground Zero Memorial, the new building was established in the former land Paddy's Cafe. Meanwhile, the bombing of the Sari Club site is a fenced-in vacant land where the photographs of victims and dozens of messages posted.

The plan, in 2011, in the former land Sari Club that will be built Peace Park (Bali Peace Park), initiated by some Australian citizens, especially the relatives of victims of the Bali bombings.

"By adding the park will enrich the community assets and Bali as social capital, which can not be cashed" said Putu Rumawan Salain, Udayana University research team in his presentation to the Balinese community leaders, and international circles as well as relatives of victims in the office of the Consulate General of Australia, Jalan Tantular Denpasar, Bali, Monday, October 11, 2010.

From the research results are explained the benefits that include economic and social development for the people of Bali especially Kuta

Estimates, tourist visits to the park per day 90 to 105 person-per-year or 35 thousand people. If ditarif incoming U.S. $ 1-per-visit it will generate USD 27 million per month.

Income will be used to finance salaries 19 employees and the remaining funds will be used for education of children victims of the Bali bombings.

"This park is to strengthen international imagery in the eyes of Bali as an icon of peace and Bali as a role model oust a future of peace. Because the concept of this park is the 'destination for the future and the future'," Putu said.

Bali Peace Park Development conducted by the nonprofit organization "Bali Peace Park Association" is supported also by Indonesia, America, Japan, Britain and Australia.

It also is supported by Haji Bambang, a resident of Kuta which is known familiarly by its support to evacuate the victims when a bomb incident.

"This tragedy is not only felt by the families of the victims, but also by the world. So it is appropriate that the victims who became a hero of peace was awarded through the development of the park. Familiarity people of Bali and Australia are very close, for Australia, Bali is a second home," said Haji Bambang.

Meanwhile, Nick Way Chairman of Bali Peace Park Association, which is also a television journalist who was then reported the second bombing in 2002 and 2005, said the problem has been overcome in part the development fund.

"Target in October 2011 the park will be inaugurated. So there is still a year's time, the first 6 months of preparation and negotiation of land purchase. The Australian Government will also facilitate the funding of "Nick said. Indonesia Today

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