USA: Wasior Flood, Yudhoyono closed his eyes, ears and mouth

Stepping on Friday, October 8, 2010, the stench began to sting at the disaster site Wasior District, West Papua. Indonesian Red Cross officials begin spraying disinfectants to reduce odors and prevent disease.

La Abidin, Secretary Red Cross of West Papua, reported, through Friday morning at 6:15, the number of dead have been found in flood disaster areas reached 95 people and 76 people listed as missing. PMI medical teams also deal with 1061 people injured.

Then, patients referred to Nabire there are 87 people with helicopters. At the hospital, three people died, bringing the total was 98 people listed as dead due to flash floods that occurred Monday morning, October 4, 2010 it.

In addition to dealing with survivors, PMI's Disaster Management Unit Team also conducted a search of victims piled up, data collection on IDPs, spraying disinfectant in the location of the bodies found, and health services for people living in shelters.

Meanwhile, the flow of refugees who left the district Wasior continues, generally flee to the nearest district, Nabire and Manokwari by ships.

Earlier, the Special Staff of the President Velix Wanggai already be on site since last Wednesday declared 31 tonnes of aid the President has arrived in Manokwari. Velix together with the Head of National Disaster Management Agency Syamsul Maarif coordinate the steps of emergency response phase is carried out for 14 days.

Manokwari Military District Commander Lt. Col. E Sitorus as 'Accident Commander' on stage a rescue to search for casualties and physical environmental cleanup Wasior city. The priority is cleaning airports, health centers and schools, and care of victims of severe injury, medium and light. Indonesia Today

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