The wealth of Indonesian Population Jumped 5-fold

Wealth of the population in India and Indonesia recorded the largest growth in the world. Property in Indonesia recorded up to 5-fold increase in 1 decade, to $ 1.8 trillion or about USD $ 16 500 trillion.

The growth of Indonesia's wealth faster than India's 'only' scored three fold increase in a decade, to $ 3.5 trillion.

With these trends, then in 2015 estimated the wealth of Indonesia's population could soar again to U.S. $ 3 trillion, while India rose nearly 2-fold to $ 6.4 trillion.

This report Global Wealth Report, Credit Suisse Research Institute which was released in Zurich, on Friday (10/08/2010). This report is based on data collected in mid-2010 in more than 200 countries around the world.

Property in question is the value of financial assets and non-financial (mainly real estate), without household debt. Indonesia Today

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