West Java is Indonesia's most populous province

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded the West Java Province was ranked top with the highest population in Indonesia, namely by 43 million people or approximately 18.1% of the total national population of 237.6 million people.

The second position is occupied the top of East Java province with a total population of 37.4 million people in Central Java and 32.3 million inhabitants.

BPS also mentions the spread of the Indonesian population is still concentrated in Java and reached 137.8 million people or 58% of the total Indonesian population of 237.6 million people.

The 21% of Indonesia's population is concentrated in Sumatra Island of North Sumatra province ranks outside most populous island of Java with a population of 12.9 million people.

Furthermore, Indonesia's population spread across the island of Sulawesi, about 7%, 6% of Kalimantan Island, Bali and Nusa Tenggara 6%, and Maluku and Papua by 3%.

Based on the results of the 2010 Population Census While published Connecticut, with a total area of Indonesia is approximately 1,910,931 km2, then the average population density of Indonesia is at 124 people per km2.

Jakarta is the most populous province which is equal to 14,440 persons per km2. While the province's most low-level population density is the province of West Papua by 8 people per km2.

Census results show Indonesia is a country with a population of the world's fourth largest after China, India and the United States. The population of Indonesia at this time amounted to 237.6 million people, where the number of men and women's 119.5 million people, 118 million inhabitants.

With the population growth rate 1.49% per year, Indonesia's current population grew 32.5 million of the total population in 2000 which amounted to 205.1 million people. Indonesia Today

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