Indonesia General Elections 2009

"Logo of Indonesia General Elections 2009 "

Indonesia General Elections (GE) 2009 divided into two objective. The first objective was held on April, 09 2009 to elect the members of Parliament, as of national Parliament, province Parliament to district Parliament, the first objective GE was for 170.752.862 registered voters, but issues said that only 50% of them that use their rights to vote. Until this post was made, the calculation to calculate the result of this first objective GE was still on progress, Indonesian Commission for General Elections (KPU = Komisi Pemilihan Umum) promise that on May, 09 2009 the final result will be announcement. See that! KPU need at least one month to finish the calculation! wasting time, right??. Even so, we can see the pre-result of this GE from the independence organization that make a quick count for the GE. Belong to that organization (i took one, that is LSI or Lingkaran Survei Indonesia) the result of the GE was like this: (top three)

1. Partai Demokrat with 20.34% (This is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Party, Indonesian Current President or The Incumbent)

2. Golongan Karya (Golkar) with 14.85%

3. PDIP with 14.07%

Second Objective GE will be held at July, 08 2009 to vote for Indonesian President and Vice. If needed there will be second round for this objective (if none of the contestants get 50%+1 votes). According to KPU schedule, that second round will be held at September, 08 2009. President and Vice contestant will send by a party or a party coalition that get at least 25% of all valid vote all over indonesia from first objective GE, so there will be four pair contestant at most. For this 2009 GE, indonesian voter vote by scratch the vote paper, not punch it like other GE before 2009. Indonesia Today

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