Indonesian Commission for General Elections (KPU) have already announce the result of Parliament Election on Saturday night (May, 09 2009). The final result that announce was the same with the result of quick count method that already announce day+1 or a day after the elections day. Below is the final result that announce by KPU:
No | Party Name | Valid Vote | % |
1 | Demokrat (31) | 21.703.137 | 20,85% |
2 | Golkar (23) | 15.037.757 | 14,45% |
3 | PDIP (28) | 14.600.091 | 14,03% |
4 | PKS (8) | 8.206.955 | 7,88% |
5 | PAN (9) | 6.254.580 | 6,01% |
6 | PPP (24) | 5.533.214 | 5,32% |
7 | PKB (13) | 5.146.122 | 4,94% |
8 | Gerindra (5) | 4.646.406 | 4,46% |
9 | Hanura (1) | 3.922.870 | 3,77% |
10 | PBB (27) | 1.864.752 | 1,79% |
11 | PDS (25) | 1.541.592 | 1,48% |
12 | PKNU (34) | 1.527.593 | 1,47% |
13 | PKPB (2) | 1.461.182 | 1,40% |
14 | PBR (29) | 1.264.333 | 1,21% |
15 | PPRN (4) | 1.260.794 | 1,21% |
16 | PKPI (7) | 934.892 | 0,90% |
17 | PDP (16) | 896.660 | 0,86% |
18 | Barnas (6) | 761.086 | 0,73% |
19 | PPPI (3) | 745.625 | 0,72% |
20 | PDK (20) | 671.244 | 0,64% |
21 | RepublikaN (21) | 630.780 | 0,61% |
22 | PPD (12) | 550.581 | 0,53% |
23 | Patriot (30) | 547.351 | 0,53% |
24 | PNBK (26) | 468.696 | 0,45% |
25 | Kedaulatan (11) | 437.121 | 0,42% |
26 | PMB (18) | 414.750 | 0,40% |
27 | PPI (14) | 414.043 | 0,40% |
28 | Pakar Pangan (17) | 351.440 | 0,34% |
29 | Pelopor (22) | 342.914 | 0,33% |
30 | PKDI (32) | 324.553 | 0,31% |
31 | PIS (33) | 320.665 | 0,31% |
32 | PNI M (15) | 316.752 | 0,30% |
33 | Partai Buruh (44) | 265.203 | 0,25% |
34 | PPIB (10) | 197.371 | 0,19% |
35 | PPNUI (42) | 142.841 | 0,14% |
36 | PSI (43) | 140.551 | 0,14% |
37 | PPDI (19) | 137.727 | 0,13% |
38 | Merdeka (41) | 111.623 | 0,11% |
39 | PDA (36) | 0 | 0,00% |
40 | Partai SIRA (37) | 0 | 0,00% |
41 | PRA (38) | 0 | 0,00% |
42 | Partai Aceh (39) | 0 | 0,00% |
43 | PBA (40) | 0 | 0,00% |
44 | PAAS (35) | 0 | 0,00% |
104.095.847 | 100% |
Because of the Parliamentary Threshold rules, only 9 parties can take the parliament chairs (Parliamentary Threshold rules said, only the party that can get 2.5% of valid votes as the minimum can goes to parliament). Below the result of the Parliament Chair 2009-2014:

Indonesia Today