Indonesia Military Aircraft have been crashes on May, 20 2009. This Hercules C-130 with A1325 Military Series Number down at Geplak Village, Karas District, Magetan Regency, East Java, Indonesia at 06:30 AM on Indonesian time (GMT+7). Belong to the Government there was 98 dead victim (84 were the aircraft passenger and most of them were civilian, 11 were the Hercules crew include the captain pilot and the other 3 were the people who live at the location were the aircraft have been crushed down). Only 15 passenger were survived from this accident but all of the survivor were on sustained injuries including burn injuries and still on intensive treatment at dr Soedono Hospital, Madiun. This Aircraft was going from Halim Perdana Kusuma Military Airport, Jakarta and plan to land at Iswahyudi Military Airport, Madiun Regency-East Java before go to its operational base on Biak,Papua but when this craft get its 90% of its fly route there was a trouble with its engines, after wards the Hercules down on paddy field after previously hit 3 civilian house then smashed in pieces and burned. The information said that this Aircraft previously was belong to Pelita Air Services before donate to Indonesia Air Force on 1995. This Hercules was made in USA at 1980, Wow...the age was so old there! President explain that this accident was not related with the low budget of Indonesia Air Force have. The big question is why civilian can fly with military craft on military task? The rule said that "civilian should not use military facilities no matter what the reason!" Why the rule was broke down?