MU Football Club goes to Indonesia on July, 18 2009

Manchester United Football Club (MUFC), the club of English Premier League (ELP) Division (The top Divison on English Football Management) will going to Indonesia on July, 18 2009 when the EPL is on break. After some seremonial on Jakarta, this Club will fight versus Indonesia All Star Team at Gedung Olahraga Utama Bung Karno or Gelora Bung Karno (The biggest football stadium in Indonesia that place on Jakarta, this stadium can serve more than 100.000 spectator) on July, 20 2009. MUFC will bring its main formation players include Wayne Rooney, Christiano Ronaldo, Ryan Giggs, Park Ji Sung, plus Rio Ferdinand and its main coach, Sir Alex Ferguson. What a big honor to Indonesia, i am sure this will be the best moment for MUFC Fans on Indonesia. In other side the Indonesian All Star Team will formed from all the best player who played on Indonesia Super League 2009. On this Asian Tour MUFC will challenge not only Indonesia best players but also Malaysia, South Korea and China. Are Indonesian can beat MUFC?? we will see....Indonesia Today

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