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Antasari Azhar
Murder Case
Nasrudin Zulkarnain
Rani Juliani
» Chief of Indonesia Commission for Fight Against Corruption is one of Murderer suspect
Chief of Indonesia Commission for Fight Against Corruption is one of Murderer suspect
Antasari Azhar, the chief of Indonesia Commission for Fight Against Corruption or KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) become one of the murderer suspect. He was suspect for the case of the murderer of Nasrudin Zulkarnain, a Manager of Indonesia National Company. The isues said that the motive is about woman. The woman named is Rani Juliani aka Tika (you can visit her blog at rani-juliani.blogspot.com), a 22 years old caddy that they meet when they playing golf. Nasrudin Zulkarnain have 2 wifes and Rani Juliani will become his third wife, Antasari Azhar likes Rani too, Nasrudin knows it and said to Antasari not to close to Rani, Antasari apologize to Nasrudin because he like Rani and said to Nasrudin not to tell to the press or he will know the consequence via sms. Afraid Nasrudin will tell to media, then Antasari hire a assasin to kill Nasrudin. Now Antasari Azhar must face the law to responsible what was he do, he was fired from KPK. An embarassed moment again happen in Indonesia, a public officer break the law. what a bad example. (on the top right corner is the picture of Antasari Azhar) Indonesia Today
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