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» Indonesian Labourer celebrate May Day with Demonstration
Indonesian Labourer celebrate May Day with Demonstration
May Day or World Labour Day also celebrate in Indonesia. Many of labourer all over this country are move to street and make a big demonstration. Although they didn't get off day when may day, they organize themselves and not go to work that day. They not only make a big demonstration in Jakarta, the indonesia capital city but also make a lot of demonstration at many big city of indonesia, such as Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, and Surakarta (Solo). They have 3 main pursuit. First they want government and industrialist lift up their earning by up the minimal earning limitation, second they want government to refuse and erase the outsourcing policy, and the last point is they want government to protect their rights against industrialist. They think that only a demonstration can make government move up to change their policy and push the industrialist to aware with their labour. They feel that government was to close to the industrialist and not so care with the prosperity of the labour. As you know labour is the most common job in this country beside farmer. Indonesia Today
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