$300 Million Soft Loan For Indonesia Highway From Obama

The Millennium Challenge Corporation, a United States donor institution, is ready to furnish Indonesian with a soft loan of $300 million for the construction of a large slice of the southern Trans-Java highway.
“We are to conclude a formal agreement with the MCC to approve the soft loan of $300 million,” Djoko Murjanto, director general of Bina Marga, which oversees roads at the Ministry of Public Works, said on Thursday.

He said that MCC’s intention to assist the country build the southern Trans Java highway was currently being discussed by the US Senate.

If they gave the go-ahead, the design process could be completed in 2011, followed by construction, which would take three years.

Murjanto said the soft loan would be used for the construction of a 300-kilometer stretch of road along the southern coastal area of Java, specifically linking the provinces of Banten and West Java.

He said the proposal for the grant had been handed to the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) for further discussions.

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