Anwar Ibrahim: Umno Play Sentiment Indon

Tensions relations between Indonesia and Malaysia were involved in making angry Anwar Ibrahim. Malaysian opposition leader widely respected in Indonesia was felt that the problem of the two allied nations are unduly exaggerated and become a political game of certain parties.

Concern was delivered when he returned to visit Indonesia at the weekend. In a public lecture Soegeng Sarjadi School of Gevernment (SSSG) in Jakarta, Sunday, September 26, 2010, Anwar accused the ruling party in Malaysia, UMNO, deliberately using the issue of overheating in the country's relations with Indonesia to attract public support. Issues seem to be exaggerated and become a political game in the Malaysian parliament.

"The issue that emerged among the political leaders desperate," Anwar said when giving a public lecture on "Political Reform and Democratization in Malaysia."

According to former Malaysian deputy prime minister, he indicated that the issue of flag burning and throwing dirt at the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta some time ago has been used as materials in the parliamentary political game Affairs neighbor.

As the ruling political party, according to Anwar, UMNO deliberately exaggerated the issue of tensions with Malaysia and Indonesia meggambarkan as if Malaysia is now threatened with widespread attacks from the Indonesian community. "Statement of UMNO, I think is not true that even a new tale," said Anwar, who is Chairman of the People's Justice Party who is now an opposition party.

Because of this conviction, in Malaysia's Anwar accused as pro-Indonesian leaders. "I considered pro-government of Indonesia as much to say about Indonesia," said Anwar.

According to him, accusations that Malaysia launched a number of politicians on various occasions in parliament. Responding to these allegations, Anwar claimed that the close proximity to Indonesia does not mean she does not love Malaysia. "The blood of my own I'm better than my wife Maupin of all Malaysian citizens," said Anwar.

He also criticized the editorial policy of mass media in the neighboring country which he said has helped muddy the relationship between the two countries. Newspapers and Television Malaysia pointed only proclaim the negative news about the Indonesian Manpower and conditions in Indonesia, such as rampant crime and corruption migrant workers in the country.

"The mass media never picked up the news about the eradication of corruption by the KPK. As if Indonesia is corrupt at all, although Malaysia was actually very corrupt," said Anwar, who was serving a prison sentence for several years on charges of sodomy. Indonesia Today

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