Afgan be a citizen of Singapore?

The news about the singer Afgan Shah Reza moved to the country people to further their education have long heard. This time, the intention would be accomplished.

"God willing I will continue S1, now looking for schools. Not far away i wish still in Singapore," Afgan said to Legal, when the encounter in Local TV Station, recently.

In a matter of months, the boy born May 27, 1989, will soon leave the country the lion had settled in the country.

"The plan in February next year (2011) have started to lecture there," he said.

Regarding the field of science that will be elected, this guy's cheek berlesung will take the same direction when he was in college.

"I was not D3 majoring in International Business, so it would continue the same direction," he explained.

Being asked about his career in the world of drag votes, the man most favorite version of Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards are told, will still live, despite no longer living in Indonesia.

"My career will continue, I want to build a career that has been built. Again I also have projects with the label next year to create a new album. Insyallah, I assisted the management to set the time," Afgan said. Indonesia Today

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