Japan and the United States Need Nurses from Indonesia

Needs of nurses abroad such as America, Canada, Europe, Korea, Japan and the Middle East, rising. It is estimated that in 2020 the countries that require an additional 1 million nurses.

For example Japan, now needs more nurses because of the imbalance between supply and need for nurses in the country. Currently there are 1.3 million nurses working as a nurse in Japan, consists of 822 thousand nurses, community nurses 46 thousand and 27 thousand midwives. While the total number of assistant nurses was 411 thousand people.

The Indonesian government has sent 208 nurses in 2008, then 362 in 2009, and in 2010 a total of 149 people. In fact, "Japan still need 15,900 nurses by 2010," said faculty Nursing Science Program (PSIK) Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada Elsie Dwi Hapsari in an international seminar of Nursing at GMU.

Although nurses from Indonesia more attractive, Elsie said, the nurses still constrained weak mastery of foreign languages, different working environment and have not met international standards of competence of nursing qualification. In addition, nurses in Indonesia is currently constrained not to increase their knowledge because they still lack the competence of masters and doctoral education in the country.

"Until now the number of master's and doctoral education programs in nursing in Indonesia is still limited. One factor was the small number of lecturers who have this level of education and the appropriate educational background," he quoted from the page UGM, Wednesday, October 6, 2010.

The same thing also submitted Rebbeca Matti from USAID. He argued the United States are in need of nurses from various countries who have international qualifications. "Working as a nurse in the United States needed internationally for several reasons, partly because of the high degree of independence and respect that is given to nurses as well as a lucrative salary. But if it is a goal that actually achieved by nurses in Indonesia?" he said.

According to him, climate change is changing in America should be the focus of nurses from Indonesia to see more of the work system prevailing there. He said that nurse education in American schools can be used as a reference to deepen the knowledge of nursing at the international level. "Although the entry into the U.S. as students and students more easily gain access rather than looking for work," he said.

While Prof. Faustino Jerome Babate from the Philippines to submit at least 48 school nurses in the Philippines has opened a master's program and 6 schools that have opened the field of nursing doctoral programs. According to him, an opportunity for Indonesian nurses to continue their studies in the Philippines pretty wide open.

"Education costs are cheap, easy to adapt to the culture, and easily assimilated into the society around it is still in a Malay culture," he said. Indonesia Today

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