Jenny Cortez charge a fee for her nude acting

Jenny Cortez finally brought the case have not been paid honoraria by Glow Management to the police. Sexy actress was also reported that management has pointed insult status.

Jenny Cortez accompanied by their legal representatives, Janes Pakpahan, a complaint case to the police station in South Jakarta.

"I reported that management has not paid honorariums movie yesterday. The money is quite a lot," said Jenny.

Before finally choosing the path of law, Jenny has actually tried to do the persuasive by holding discussions with Glow.

"For two months they discuss this problem on Facebook (FB). The language is rough. They say I'm like a slut. I have the evidence for their claims addressed to me. If they want to mad at me, not on Twitter and FB. Can direct talking to me. I saw them become like a child, "Jenny said.

"We reported the problems associated up for it too," added Janes. Indonesia Today

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