Outrageous! Yudhoyono Budget Speech reach Rp1,9 Billion

In the Work Plan and Budget document State Ministry / Agency (RKA-KL), 2011, in the post budget Pelaksaanaan Events / protocol State Secretary, Administration and Archives in the Environment State Secretariat point 014, 015, 019 included the preparation of the budget speech of President Yudhoyono's state of Rp1, 473 billion .

State Secretariat also allocate a special budget for the curriculum at the post budget speech to provide education and training of human resources. The total budget of around Rp1, 9 billion.

That number can be spelled out fantastic. Therefore, the job makes the speech of President SBY has adhered to the expert staff of the President. So, for what money Rp1, 9 billion was announced?

According to the Secretary General of Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra) Yuna Farhan, the preparation of the President's speech did not need that much. House of Representatives need to criticize.

No need to be extravagant, wasteful draft presidential speech if it can not be captured clearly by the people. No need expensive if its contents outpouring presidential speeches.

"Every penny that comes out should be measured by its performance. I think the number is outrageous," he said.

Do not let the state pay double for a presidential speechwriter, who is already part of the work of expert staff. Remember! if the performance-based government, every penny that comes out should be measured from the performance.

It's really embarrassing people. No Action Talk Only. Indonesia Today

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