Minister of Health: Foreign can control 100% shares of Medicine Factory

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih propose regulations that require foreign direct investment together with local investors with a composition of 75:25, was changed to 100 percent foreign. The provisions are intended to stimulate foreign investors in the pharmaceutical field.

"We propose to make it more conducive," Endang said on the sidelines of the inauguration of AstraZeneca's drug packaging factory in Cikarang, Tuesday, October 5, 2010.

Endang explained that foreign investors who want to invest in the pharmaceutical field are allowed to plant 100 percent of their capital in Indonesia. Notes, they should build a factory in Indonesia. This is in conformity regulation No.1010/Menkes/Per/XI/2008 Menkes.

According to Endang, if the rules had been there, it'll charge 'commitment to drug manufacturers who will make the mill in Indonesia. Because, during this series of drug production, both upstream industries such as medicine or downstream manufacturing processes such as packing are still done abroad.

Of course there is a direct impact when the processing of production conducted in Indonesia, such as energy absorption and distribution costs less. "Of course the drug can be sold more cheaply," said Endang.

In addition, Minister of Health is also promoting self-sufficiency program raw materials. Indonesia is expected that by 2014 no longer need to import raw materials, especially herbal medicine.

Drug circulating in Indonesia alone, according to Minister of Health 90 percent of the domestic production of drugs, and the rest imported. "Indonesia also exports 10 percent of production, especially vaccines," he said.

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