Yudhoyono's Afraid of the RMS, Fear means to plead guilty

International legal experts from the University of Indonesia, Hikmahanto Juwana deplored the delay of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's visit to the Netherlands.

Hikmahanto According to the press here on Tuesday (05/10/2010), there is no logical reason why an official visit at the invitation of the Dutch government must be undone.

He said the President was already at the point of no return again or point of no return because it must have been planned and all possibilities have been anticipated.

"I think the cancellation was less precise. First, because the cancellations are done in a sudden where all the preparations and of course the possibility had been anticipated. It will only lead to questions of society in Indonesia and also the international community there is anything to be canceled," he said.

The reason for the existence of a lawsuit filed by the activists of South Maluku Republic (RMS), according to him, should not be a reason for cancellation.

"RMS is to my knowledge filed a state policy that treats RMS with unfair and a breach of human rights. If the state policy, SBY is also why be afraid? Kan was not a personal policy. After all if the policy states the entry into the State Administrative Court is not common, "he said.

If the reason for reasons of human rights violations by President Yudhoyono during a military member, according to Hikmahanto, there is also no need to worry about. In addition to its long into the army, President Yudhoyono has never served in Ambon, as well as long as the army has no track record or a track record as a violator of human rights.

"It would be a bad precedent for the State of Indonesia, because if the rebels refuse or NGOs and committed acts of opposition to the plan of arrival, it could have in the future every time the President of Indonesia will visit pestered with it alone, the visit was not so. It's certainly not very good, "he said.

President Yudhoyono, according Hikmahanto, also do not have to worry about being arrested in the Netherlands, because there is international law which says that the diplomat could not possibly be captured or the phrase with impunity.

"SBY above the law and protected by international law. The most extreme if there SBY committing a crime like murder was in his working visit there, it can not be punished because of diplomatic immunity that. Most only in 'persona non grata' or expelled from the country it, "he said.

According Hikmahanto, the position of President Yudhoyono formally invited by the Dutch government would never arrest may be left of an attempt against his guest. Netherlands as the Host Government will certainly keep his guests as comfortable as possible in his country.

The Dutch government will not let his guests might be embarrassed like that. "If President Yudhoyono was arrested then most embarrassed are the Dutch government itself," he said.

With such conditions, according to him, there is no reason a lot of sense about the reasons for the cancellation. "I do not know what's going on and what the real reason that the visit was canceled. It was only SBY himself can answer that," he said. Indonesia Today

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