Police Killed After alcohol party in the House of Prostitution

The atmosphere at the funeral home Aiptu Gatot Isdianto, Head of Crime Unit Police Light Ponorogo, East Java, full of sorrow. Last ceremony was held at the funeral home to greet his funeral in the village of Billy Siman, District Siman, Ponorogo

Gatot Aiptu killed by binge drinking in localization with fellow cop named Ipda Awok. Previously, both with three women held a binge drinking at a shop owned by Agus Wibowo on localization in the Bull of the building, District Sukorejo.

After drinking, Aiptu Gatot killed instantly at the scene. While Ipda Awok critical. This incident is justified by the proprietor's wife named Sunarti. Instead, Police Ponorogo, as told by the Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner of Police Congratulations Subagio, denied when its members were killed by drink-liquor. Aiptu Billy died of a heart attack.

Police Ponorogo own ranks to cover up this disgrace incident told reporters. Reporters were barred from covering the deaths of its members. In the ceremony of death Aiptu Gatot, Roxburgh police chief Adjunct Commissioner Police Mas Gunarso not appear on the site. Perhaps, he was embarrassed to attend the funeral of his men who died from alcohol overdose. Indonesia Today

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