Six Sumatran Orangutan fitted with Observer Tool

Team Perth Zoo veterinarians with "Frankfurt Zoological Society" install tool observers at the six Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii).

Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction Station Manager Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) Julius Paolo Siregar in Jambi, on Tuesday said the installation of these devices is done through implant surgery at Station River Reintroduction Pengian, Sumay, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province.

According to Julius, this activity is a very important step forward for the Sumatran orangutan reintroduction activities. Orangutans are fitted with transmitters that will provide data on ecosystem distribution area of the Bukit Tigapuluh penglepasannya area.

"With fitted with transmitters will facilitate the observation and supervision of the animals were protected. Are released orangutans are able to survive in nature or not. It will be known to the home range of each orangutan released," said Julius.

It is of confiscated orangutans Center Natural Resources Conservation (BBKSDA) North Sumatra 6-14 years old. Orangutans were then undergoing rehabilitation programs in Jambi to restore the ability to live in the wild.

Transmitter chip with a diameter of about three centimeters and one centimeter thick was grown in the nape of orangutans. This transmitter is automatically activated at 07.00 am until 15.00 pm every day and the batteries can last up to two years, he said.

Meanwhile, Diane Simone Vitali drh from Perth declared signal issued by the transmitters will not interfere with the behavior of the orangutan. The larger the Orangutan then implant surgery will be more easy.

"Being a great experience for me because of the opportunity to perform operations on protected species that is very rare in the world," he said.

Implantation surgery six orangutans all goes according to plan and is currently still under observation for stitching wounds.

Currently, six orangutans are included in the wound healing phase stitches. Having declared there was no problem for release at some point in the area of Bukit Tigapuluh wait ecosystem fruit season arrives.

FZS cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry, Foundation for Sustainable Ecosystems (YEL) and the Pan Eco Sumatran orangutan reintroduction program in the buffer zone of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park. Since 2002, FZS has rehabilitated 136 and 119 Prangutan tail tails of which have been returned to the wild. Indonesia Today

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