Indonesian Economic suitable for speculation rather than investment

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), four countries known as emerging markets are often the related world media headlines where investors sinking their money.

However, lately the conversation began to lead to another country which has the potential to become a new investment fields. Indonesia and many more incoming radar called by various foreign financial institutions, investment bankers, government agencies as well.

Advice was delivered UBS, Citigroup to JP Morgan. Citigroup for example. To the client, rich investors, Citigroup's private bank to provide advice. Advice given by the Head of Investments for Citi Private Bank Asia, Debashish Dutta Gupta at an event Reuters Global Private Banking in Singapore, October 5, 2010.

Amid the global economic situation is uncertain, Citi which manages U.S. $ 165 billion fund recommended to hold more bonds in order to share risks, including the importance of holding gold. Holding bonds with maturities of developed countries is still a long potentially big advantage because the central bank will not raise interest rates in the near future.

However, for emerging market countries, Indonesia is an attractive investment option. According to him, not too late to enter the Indonesian market. Imagine, composite stock price index (CSPI) on the Indonesian stock exchange rose 40 percent and the rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollar rose 5.3 percent during 2010.

Now, he said, time to target Indonesia, which has been more promising. "Indonesia now is completely different than the situation now recovering from the Asian crisis ten years ago. We see strong growth potential."

Many people see Indonesia is indeed a promising market. This country not only is one of the countries with large economies that are members of the G-20, but Indonesia has a vast territory, the world's fourth most populous with 240 million inhabitants, and has abundant natural resource wealth.

Economic performance was also much praised. Indonesia is one of three Asian countries with positive economic growth during financial crisis of 2008. This year, the economy is expected to grow 6 percent with the largest contribution of domestic consumption. Indonesian bourse grew significantly, while the rupiah strengthens and inflation remains under control.

Now many investors from various countries busy visit and seek business cooperation partners in Indonesia. They are quite aggressive coming from Korea, India, Japan and Taiwan. In fact, the UK has entered Indonesia as the country's main priorities for investment purposes. Indonesia Today

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