Today convicted, pedophile Suspect (Babe) Hoping not sentenced to death

Baekuni aka Babe, defendant on paedophile and mutilation cases will face sentencing today. Babe hoped, he was not sentenced to death, as the demands of the public prosecutor before.

"We hope the court was (defense) we can be accepted by the judges. Yes if possible between 20 years and a lifetime," said Babe as delivered lawyer, Rangga B Rikuser.

It was said Rangga when talking with AFP on Wednesday (06/10/2010). Babe sentencing hearing will be held in East Jakarta District Court at 10.00 am.

Rangga said his client also was sorry for his actions. Faced with today's verdict physical and psychiatric conditions Babe in normal circumstances.

"Staying healthy. Obviously he resigned and regret," said the lawyer from the Legal Aid Institute and Partners Hutanggalung Haposan this.

Rangga regrets no consideration of ease of prosecution, so that the Babe was sentenced to death. Demands killed 14 children, said Rangga, it also comes from the recognition Babe.

"While the prosecutors could only prove the two people," he said.

Previously, Babe demanded the death penalty because his actions judged disturbing society, beyond the limits of humanity, and endangering a child. Prosecutors also believe the defendant had committed the murder as much as 14 times the children with the same pattern of killings.

Babe considered to convincing a crime premeditated murder under Article 340 of the Criminal Code and Article 338 of the Criminal Code of manslaughter.

When hearing the demands of September 28, Babe only bowed. After the hearing he asked for leniency. "Please waivers. I'm sorry," said Babe. Indonesia Today

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