Buleleng Riots, Be careful to go to Bali

As many as 10 homes were burned mass of a particular group in Lemukih, Buleleng, Bali, on Tuesday (5 / 10). In addition, seven land masses also burn dried cloves, and more than 1 ton of coffee was also burned.

While the two flow path leading to the Place of Genesis Case (TKP) has been blocked by the mass of timber cutting in the middle of the road.

This arson was the aftermath of the disputed land that has been happening since 1998 last between citizens and the local custom.

Yudi, a local resident said, 10 houses burned a house belonging to residents who have land certificates.

"The distance between the house that burned away. There are on the hill, some down the hill, "he said.

According to Yudi, the situation at the scene until the news was revealed is still in a tense situation. However, there were no casualties in the arson.

Yudi told, this kind of arson cases are routine due to a dispute between two groups of mass often occurs since a few years earlier. Indonesia Today

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