UFO found in Indonesia Today

Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN), Wednesday (6 / 10), will send teams to the location of the fall of the meteorite suspected foreign body in the village of Ngringo, District Kajen, Karanganyar district, Central Java.

"We will go there tomorrow, today a team of Bapeten (Nuclear Power Supervisory Board), which set out first to detect radiation levels," said Head of Public Relations Lapan Elly Kuntjahyowati when contacted on Tuesday afternoon.

According to Elly, a team of LAPAN which will be sent to Karanganyar including astronomer Prof. Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin who will do analysis and then confirm whether the object that fell on homes that are the object from outer space.

So far, he said, LAPAN has received reports from police chief Eddie Karanganyar AKBP Suroso and objects suspected meteorite found now in the Central Java Police Forensic Laboratory.

Foreign object falling on the roof of the house Suryono (56), village residents Ngringo on Monday morning at around 0:45 pm and surprising local residents.

Falling objects and cause the explosion caused the roof of the house, kitchen and dining room Suryono damaged. From the roof of the house Suryono found an egg-sized stone and suspected meteorite.

The voice booms accompanied the broken window glass when it falls makes all the family awoke from his sleep, said Zakia Wardani (21), son Suryono when questioning.

In the kitchen house Suroso, a number of items made of plastic melt. Plastic hanging on kitchen walls melt like terterpa high heat.

Similarly, plastic sacks of rice which propped near the kitchen cupboard until its contents spilled. Suroso wife, Sulistyowati also found in the kitchen hot plate when it holds. Indonesia Today

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