What Indonesian Think about the American Dream

In the 21st century today, who would not recognize the United States or the United State of America (USA)? Even when it becomes prevalent, young people from around the country run into American culture mecca of the North section. Just look at MTV (Music Television) is very popular with young children Indonesia, or other events such as American Idol, Fear Factor and events from Uncle Sam these countries. If you'd like reviewed, or a relaxed casual style of dress such as jeans and T-shirts is an original style of the United States, which evolved around the years 1960-1970. What is not "America" today?

On one side of the country that recognizes the human rights penjunjung also been some terrible events, the image of a freedom too far. Still fresh in our memory of events the death of a civil engineering doctoral student from Indonesia University of Virginia, Partahi Lumbantoruan, 34 years in Virginia, USA. The shooter, Cho Seung-Hui was a Korean, but born and raised in the United States.

United States had to be acknowledged has become one of the "giants" of the world in various fields. In the economic field, the country is embracing the capitalist system, already has the market in various parts of the world. In the field of defense / military, no doubt, history records that the United States is the champion of the sophistication of military technology and military forces in particular. In the social field, the United States is a country that is prosperous and well-being, social insurance law and have clearly set the main priorotas, as well as education and health.

Nevertheless, as a nation state, America has a very long history and quite interesting. When in the sense of historical consciousness, that what is happening today is the result of the past and will shape the future. Thus, the true change presupposes the existence of something that remains the same, which can be used as a benchmark to measure changes. Thus it can be ascertained, the United States when examined historically would seem true values of this nation. The values at one time a dream or delusion, but on one side can be a compass direction and the way the United States.

American Dreams so these values are known. Why dreams? Why dream? It is not clear why use the word dreams. However, we think it is an expression of romanticism, so that dream can always lived and always pursued. Dream is not just a "flower bed" only. Dreams are goals, the highest desire of every individual, in the case of the United States is the dream of a nation. Is not "something that may be something that is not possible but not yet realized." And "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of his dreams". Indonesia Today

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