Balinese Dreadlocks

Please don’t get fooled by the title, for this is not an upbeat fashion article. Rather, this is more a story about how one’s path in life – a Balinese man in this case – is determined by his hair. We are talking about dreadlocks, the kind of hair that is celebrated by the Rastafarians. In Bali, many turn their hair into dreadlocks; probably this is due to its close association with not only fashion, but also lifestyle of a resort area. Yet, the kind of dreadlocks we are telling you about is natural by all means. Yes, there are people in this island who are born in style, that is, with the dreads on their heads.

Many see this particular hairstyle as a statement that kicks butts. However, for Balinese people (normally men), having the birth-given dreadlocks means a noble task they need to carry on their shoulders during life. Being a Hindu priest in the future is one example. However, of course, becoming a priest is not the solely ‘gift’ for these people. It is also said that the naturally-dreadlocked Balinese people possess a certain supernatural power like reading people’s mind or even controlling the weather.

These dreadlocks grow, but the hair is becoming a living part of a body such as arms or legs. As the result, cutting the hair would cause an extreme pain as if you are cutting your hands or any other limbs. Thus, people with this specific hair never cut their hair. Also, when we say that the dreadlock grows, it doesn’t only mean that the hair would grow longer and longer; but also fatter and fatter! There are also cases when the many dreadlocks naturally unite themselves into one big, fat dreadlock.

So, you can believe it or not.....


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