Court to read verdict over Anggodo's alleged bribery

A panel of judge of the Corruption Court will read on Tuesday its verdict over an alleged bribery which implicates businessman Anggodo Widjojo in Jakarta.

The final session of the trial, which have been conducted for three months, is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Anggodo is on trial for attempting to bribe Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra M. Hamzah, deputy chairmen of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), with Rp 5.1 billion (US$561,000) through Ari Muladi last year to drop an investigation into his brother Anggoro Widjojo.

State prosecutor had demanded Anggodo be sentenced to six years and also sought an additional fine of Rp 200 million to be imposed to Anggodo.

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